Mission Statement

To live Grace Outrageously in the nations as we serve in faith and love through Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Grace Outrageous Ministry is determined to think outside the box! We are continually reading, studying, and observing the cultures around us and asking ourselves “how can we bring Jesus to this particular group of people?”

GO Gatherings are open to all people.

  • Jesus followers… OR NOT

  • those “living the dream” and those who feel like they are living in a nightmare

  • the young, the old, the radical, and the traditional.

We simply want to share the Outrageous Grace of Jesus with all people. There is no membership, no list of “you are in” and “you are not”. There is only our commonality found at the foot of the cross of Jesus Christ.

GO IS NOT denominational, legalistic, or perfect. Our vision is to simply be a place that can be a safe harbor in the chaotic events of life, a place to grow in faith, a place to question, doubt and experience the scriptures. None of us are theological experts or have all the answers to life. We are people trying to figure life out and share the Grace Outrageous-ness of God with each other.

WE DO THIS through…

  • blog posts written by Pastor Tress that speak to real life, tough questions, and to offer encouragement  for wherever you are on the journey

  • social media community

  • outreach opportunities both locally and globally

  • one-on-one support with Pastor Tress… REACH OUT TO HER! Ask the questions, request prayer, share the struggle.

  • GO Gatherings, as scheduled, to worship, pray, teach, and fellowship

  • FIELD TRIPS like concerts and other faith gatherings.

The spread of the gospel did not occur by people sitting inside a building waiting for other people to show up. It spread by Jesus’ followers being filled with the power and passion of the Holy Spirit to take the message to where the people lived life. Today that means the campuses, the coffee shops, the workplace, the homeless shelter, the street corner, and the bar…to all the “nations” that are in our own communities, states, nations, and world.

Most importantly, we do not believe in walls and leaving anyone out.


God put the vision for GO in my heart two years ago. How I thought that was going to be played out and how it actually came to be are actually two different scenarios.
— Tress (via The Advertiser-Tribune)

Vision Team

Sharon Laugherty, Alexandra Kinney, Beverly Henry, Sharon Faris, Amy Kinney, Pastor Tress Reed,  Joshua Kinney

Sharon Laugherty, Alexandra Kinney, Beverly Henry, Sharon Faris, Amy Kinney, Pastor Tress Reed, Joshua Kinney

GO is powered by a Vision Team – a collection of people who exemplify God’s creative diversity of His children’s personalities, talents and gifts, as well as represent the reality of various personalities, backgrounds, and life experiences. Just as the first disciples were real people seeking to live out their devotion to the Savior – all the while succeeding, making mistakes, and yet continually pursuing the goal Jesus set for them to “Go and make disciples of all nations” – these modern day disciples are devoted to continuing that Great Commission. GO’s Vision Team members are dedicated to creating opportunities for all people to engage, live out, and grow their faith.


Where it all started…